STARTS  April 16, 2025 on Wednesday evenings!

Learn energy skills that will knock your socks off!!!

Change your life, improve your relationships, create prosperity

Learn to see and read energy to get the info you need

Evolve yourself to read the aura

Transform yourself into the person you want to be

Clearsight’s Clairvoyant Program is an intensive voyage of self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-awareness, in which you learn to use your own life-force energy to create the life you want.

The skills you learn in a Clairvoyant Program are:

Connecting to your body so that you can deal with your material well being, can manifest your success, can heal yourself and can fulfill your life purpose. We call this skill Grounding.

Focus: so that you can have the ability to focus on what is really important.

Change: Being able to release the energy held in your fears, your emotions, past trauma and incidents from the past that affected you.

Truth Telling:  Learning to tell the truth from the lie.

Free Will:  Discovering how to find your own answers so you are not dependent on others to tell you what to do. Enabling your own sense of leadership.

Connecting: to your Higher Self so you find your true life path and can access your own personal information.

Centering: Being able to weather any storm in your life because you can sit in your calm within yourself.

Creativity: Freeing yourself from the restrictions that block your creativity.

Certainty: Finding the security within yourself that allows you to own your own self worth.

Permission: Enabling yourself to have permission to connect to your true essence and to release the fears that bind you.

Present Time: Coming to the place where you live in the moment without past trauma, stuck emotions, fears or programming. In the moment you can experience the joy, love and happiness you were born to experience.

Purpose: Connecting with what you truly came to do in this life.  Finding your authentic self.

This is a 13 month Certificate Program offered Online .

Each month’s seminar introduces you to skills to develop your innate intuitive abilities to see and read the aura, to communicate with your higher self, and to expand your ability to release blocks in order to own your true inner power to create the life of joy, abundance and awareness you were always meant to have.

To get further information about entering our next Clairvoyant Program please contact us at 310-395-1170 or by E-MAIL at

Or go to our site to download our Clairvoyant Package, “Yes I want to evolve myself” for information about gaining entry into our program.


This is our 43rd year presenting Clairvoyant & Natural Healing Programs. We have the experience to aid you in practicing skills that will transform your life in a most marvelous manner.

We have trained doctors, nurses, therapists, acupuncturists, martial artists, alternative healers, masseuses, house wives, computer analysts, scientists, real estate agents, business men and women, dancers, actors & actresses, singers, musicians, construction workers, designers, teachers, archeologists, people in the movie industry, sales people and people from all walks of life.

Clearsight Testimonials

“I am grateful for everything you have taught me at Clearsight. It really changed my life just like you said it would. As I continually use the skills I continue to grow.”  Kate Cunningham, Writer & Producer

“My life has changed dramatically. Now everything is possible for me. Nothing stops me now. And the skills are so easy to learn. I’m not afraid anymore and I’m much more action-oriented.”

Cecelia LaForte,  Mother & Housewife

“I’ve made business deals that would not have happened otherwise. I’ve created unbelievable opportunities for myself. I gave myself permission to be physically fit and now my body is leaner than it ever was. I haven’t been in such great physical shape in 10 years. Spiritually I feel more aware and more empowered. Clearsight gives you the tools to do something about your problems instead of lamenting about them.” Mark Utzinger, Real Estate Broker

“The Clairvoyant Program changed my reality. I did not know at all who I was. Now I do and everything has just fallen into place. I feel more alive. Now I understand what to do to get what I want.” Sara Malluje,, Schoolteacher

“I’m able to handle difficulties better. People don’t push my buttons like they used to. I have more energy—-I’m doing more things than ever before. It seems like I have more time.” Moises Cubillos  Insurance Adjuster

“They say anybody can be clairvoyant—well I was anybody. I didn’t think I was clairvoyant. Now I can really see!  It’s very empowering. I use the skills daily, even for such simple things as creating a parking spot right in front of my destination. I’ve saved a lot of time that way.” Karl Utzinger, Golf Course Manager

“I’m a One-Woman Business, working as a Stage-Director and Teacher, and giving Master Classes, This took, and still takes me to opera houses and universities around the world, while at the same time giving life to and bringing up 3 children who are now successful themselves in their very different professions.

When the children were small life was very hard. Out of sight could mean out of mind and the end of my career.

After starting with Levanah’s Seminars things around me began to change, because I changed. Stress was turned into a positive force, helping me heal from all the physical aches created by stress. The right kind of work offers came in, friends suddenly offered to help with logistics, word of mouth brought even better projects, and it all worked out perfectly with my family here and in Europe – synchronization happening at an amazing scale over and over again.

Levanah also taught me how to raise my focus, my clarity, see the possibilities in projects and raise their quality, put the puzzle-pieces together fast, and at the same time see myself, as well as the people I was dealing with, with extreme clarity. Connecting with people became instantaneous and kept leading to new endeavours. Seeing and accepting the small and big pictures in a changing world became easy, as I could now transform and adapt using Levanah’s skills. No matter where I work, no matter which version of my work I do, these skills impress the people around me again and again, and they invite me back. “Thank you Levanah!    

Vera Callabria, Opera Set Designer & Vocal Coach

“For more than two decades, Levanah has served as both my business and spiritual mentor, profoundly impacting my life. Her expertise in energy transformation and spiritual guidance has proven invaluable. Thanks to her teachings, I’ve achieved greater focus, reduced stress, and experienced enhanced growth in both my business and personal life. I would highly recommend her transformative lessons to anyone seeking profound change and fulfillment”.  Romy N. Businessman

“I would like to tell you that it really works well with your skills. As I practiced your skills, my life changed.  I’m having fun…  THANK YOU      I am very grateful that you are my teacher.” Kiyoko M Artist Lifestyle

“Thanks Levanah. You helped me more than any other psychic.” Ardys D.

“I just listened to the recording….you were so amazing! Thanks for listening and giving me advice. Thanks for being kind, funny and sincere. You are really good at what you do”. Maria Peez


  • Raising your vibration by streaming light energy
  • De-energizing images, emotions, feelings, fears
  • Learning to enact the basic spiritual principle of present time
  • Studies of the Chakras: Doorways of Perception
  • Bringing abundance & wellness to you
  • Using the Astral Library
  • Integrating your Male and Female energy
  • Dealing with Guilt, Morality & Responsibility
  • In and Out of Body Awareness
  • Reading the 7 Layers of the Aura
  • Touching your true reality
  • Space & Relationships
  • Dichotomies: Knowing the truth from the lie
  • Programming: Where it is and how to get rid of it
  • Family and Group Agreement Levels
  • Cleansing, Clearing, & Creating Loving Relationships
  • Free Will and Karma
  • Resistance, Considerations & Buying into someone else’s reality
  • Permission and Self Love
  • Prosperity Success
  • Ownership of Space
  • Genetic Core of Body Information
  • Akashic Records
  • Past Live Memories
  • Astral Body & Healing
  • Cosmic Cops, Gurus, Guides
  • Making Separations
  • Neutrality Knowing & Seeing
  • Professional Clairvoyant Reading Skills
  • Protection on every level
  • Intuitive Business Skills for Readers
  • Reaching the Higher Levels of Awareness
  • Releasing the Fear that binds you from taking action
  • Integrating Spirituality into your daily Life
  • Clairvoyant Healing
  • Energy Healing