Natural Healing




Imagine being able to heal yourself & Others

      Starts Monday January 06, 2025

Wouldn’t you love to be able to rid yourself of pain, emotional hurt, sadness, anxiety, stress?

And know how to create wellness, happy feelings, joy and serenity when you want to?

You have the ability within you to heal yourself

Healing is an ability you are born with

I can show you a process of how to work with your inner energy

Every cell in your body has a life force energy stored in it

You can turn on this energy and feel energized

You can train yourself to release foreign energy or old unnecessary energy with a simple easy skill


simple and easy to use

Skills that show you how to ground so that any overload of foreign energy moves through your system and gets released

Skills that enable you to remove energy that feels like emotional or physical pain

Skills that show you how to tap into your loving energy, so you become loved and joyous

Skills that fill you with the universal life force streaming through your body

Skills that teach you how to clear your mind

Skills that teach you how to release patterns that hold you in stuck places

Skills that show you the entire process of healing other people. You can heal at a distance and make a difference!

Healing skills are all about how to change…..and how to move energy without effort to affect higher vibration and better health.

CLEARSIGHT EVOLVING HEALING is a live online Program for learning the pure energy skills of healing yourself and others.

IMAGINE being able to raise your immune system at will

To create and control your health

To know and understand what deteriorates your well-being and to be able to prevent this

To clear your emotions, release pain and physical discomfort, raise your immune system and create physical, emotional and financial wellness using healing skills

Ancient skills adapted and brought up to modern lifestyle so that you can prevent illness, create wellness and be in charge of your life

In this program you will learn the basic Clearsight Evolving skills of GROUNDING, FOCUS, RUNNING ENERGY, DE-ENERGIZING MENTAL IMAGE PICTURES & ENERGY, PRESENT TIME and Skills for removing and releasing old feelings, emotions, and old memories that control your energy.

We will cover:

Using your hands to channel and move energy

How to clean the aura,

To know clean, heal and balance the chakras,

Clear the channels in your body along your spine and your arms and legs

How to release pain

Free Will & Ownership

How to heal others

Healing for drugs and alcohol and detoxing yourself or others.

Beliefs and how they control you

Permission to be the best of who you can be

How to stay healed

Our Online Healing 1 Program Imagine starts this January 06, 2025 at 7:30 pm PST

Starts Monday January 06, 2025, 7:30 pm PST

To sign up for this class now

 Cost is $159.00 and if class does not happen or changes time the payment is fully refundable.

Or call Levanah for further information.  310-395-1170

To sign up for this class now.   Imagine Being Able to Heal Yourself & Others


Cost is $159.00 and if class does not happen or changes time the payment is fully refundable.

Or call Levanah for further information.  310-395-1170 To sign up for this class now

Your Teacher

Levanah Shell Bdolak is, a transformational teacher, a professional clairvoyant, a motivational speaker, an author and one of the founders of the Clearsight Center,

created in April of 1980. Clearsight presents, EVOLVING, the newest American Meditation and offers seminars in a wide variety of transformational subjects.  Levanah travels nationally and internationally showing people how to shift their consciousness in an easy practical manner. She has taught in Japan for over twenty-six years and also in France, England, Hong Kong, Thailand and nationally throughout the United States; and is the author of many self-help books in the U.S. and in Japan.

Levanah has shared clairvoyant and healing skills with doctors, nurses, physicists, therapists, masseuses, natural practitioners, and also transformational skills of the power of energizing yourself through creative love with artists, executives, chefs, entertainers and housewives.

Levanah has taught thousands of students how to read the aura to show people how to release restrictions and energy that prevents you from attaining your highest goals and attaining a higher level of bliss and joy in your daily life. She has a track record of doing Clairvoyant and Psychic Readings since 1978 and sharing her wisdom and skills to enable people to find their best in their lives. Her Readings direct you to the immediate cause of a situation and how to release or change to create the best you. Experience the wonderment of connecting with your true self and enabling yourself to choose life as you wish to have it.

She has taught 33 of her 13 month long Clairvoyant Programs in Japan during the last twenty-four years and just finished teaching Clair Online Program 34 in Japan and Clair Online Program 49 in America/Global worldwide. She will be teaching Clair 50, an Online Program….a 13 month intensive Global Clair Program online starting this February 2025.

Starting in March 2025 Clearsight will present our next Clair Global Program. Levanah has taught over 60 Natural Healing & Energetic Medicine Programs. This Winter 2025 Clearsight will start a new Natural Healing Online Program to heal yourself and others.




To get further information about entering our next Natural Healing Program please contact us at 310-395-1170 or by E-MAIL at


Healing is the art of changing or shifting energy. By learning to use your energy in a focused manner you can heal yourself and others. This is the magic of using the most powerful part of yourself, your inner intuitive nature. Everyone is a healer. All of us are Light Beings. Each one of us holds the key of reaching the healer within, the part of you that is whole and always in touch with the Oneness. Natural Healing introduces you to the skills of diagnosis in healing, to understand the nature of Karma and Free Will, to heal without taking on the other person’s pain, energy or problem; and to heal from a place of neutral cosmic love.

NATURAL HEALING: Our Energetic Medicine Program

Learn to heal yourself and others using Clearsight’s Natural Healing techniques. Learn to “see energy” to scan and diagnose physical and energetic bodies for disharmony or illness, as well as heal the aura, chakras, and energetic systems of the body. After completion of Natural Healing 1 – 6, you will receive certification, recognized by the State of California, as a Master Healer. We are also certified by the State of California to provide Continuing Education Credits to nurses, CEP B11057.

Natural Healing is offered as a six seminar program, given one weekend a month for six months. Each seminar is a pre-requisite for the next one so they must be taken in order so you can properly use the skills. To get further information about our healing skills and the program’s time/place/price or to sign up for our next program please contact us at or call us at 310-395- 1170.

Everyone is born with the gift of energy healing. It is a natural skill that is part of your energy system. Once you are introduced to healing with energy it empowers you to own your highest potentials on every level.

Natural Healing 1: Laying on of Hands Healing

You will learn the fundamentals of how to clean the body’s electromagnetic energy field (aura) and energy centers (chakras) to release blockages that cause disease and pain. Ownership of space, Making separations as a healer, Protocols for releasing pain and Long Distance Healing are presented.

Natural Healing 2: The Cleansing Process

We cover the root causes of dis-ease and how to shift this on every level from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Using high level specialized Healing Masters is introduced to address major diseases and serious imbalances. Healing for drugs & alcohol & detox procedures are introduced in this seminar.

Natural Healing 3: Manifesting Your Archetype

The Archetype Process of shifting disease by connecting with the highest forms of universal healing power and channeling that energy to the healee is covered. Clairvoyant reading is introduced as a diagnostic tool for communicating with the unconscious mind and the physical body.

Natural Healing 4: Experiencing the Gift of Life

We will initiate the use of Clairvoyant reading tools for communicating with the physical body and unconscious mind to view the body’s physical systems (endocrine, digestive, respiratory, urinary, blood, reproductive, etc.).

Natural Healing 5: Empowering the Client to Heal Themselves

Principles of how to create a safe, nurturing and clean environment for the healing process. Use guided meditation to help clients heal themselves and transform the root cause of a problem.

Natural Healing 6: Energetic Healing

Master the use of energy maps of the body and experience the deep inner plane work to initiate as a healer so you can find and fix the cause of a healing problem. Elemental, symbolic and shamanistic healing exercises expand your healing repertoire. Also covered are the business protocols for being a successful professional healer.

Clearsight Healing Programs

Natural Healing is a Certificate Program with increasing levels of expertise developed in a 17 Seminar series. Each Program results in a certificate of completion. At the completion of the Master Healing Program, Seminars 1-6, a Clearsight Master Healer Certificate is awarded as authorized by the State of California. Upon completion of the four Advanced Master Healing Seminars 8 – 11, a Clearsight Advanced Master Healer Certificate is presented. Upon completion of the five Quantum Healing Seminars a Quantum Master Healer Certificate is presented. Seminars 7 and 12 are optional initiatory healing tours.

Upon graduation of Seminars 1-6 you are welcome to continue on.

Advanced Clearsight Master Healing Program

5 Seminar Certificate Program
Advanced in depth skills to continue and expand your proficiency in energy healing.

Natural Healing 8: Vibrational Healing: Toning the Organs

Using the energetic method of Spiritual Frequency to vibrate the organs of the body in order to cleanse, clear and tone them. Mastering the skills of helping the healee to recognize and release emotional states held in the physical body.

Natural Healing 9: Recreating the Healthy You

Cellular restructuring and energetic homeopathic healing to cleanse and clear programs stored in the cells. Reading the cells, healing the cells in order to shift a person from disease to a healthy state of being.

Natural Healing 10: Clearing the Birth Process

Releasing Birth Trauma, Past Lives carried over, and energy from the birth process that causes ill health, dis-comfort or negative patterns. Reprogramming messages given to the body during conception, gestation and birth process that mal-aligns the body matrix. Also covered is understanding sibling birth order and how it effects your personal development, programs and beliefs.

Natural Healing 11: Healing With The Elements

An introduction to the Western and Greek Shamanic system of elemental healing. Energy balancing of the four elements, movement, breathing and interactive exercises to know and connect with the essential elements. Also included is charging and choosing food according to elemental guidelines and the psychological power of viewing life through the “elemental glasses.”

Natural Healing 12: The Ritual Of Healing

In Seminar 12, healers are introduced to the use of ritual for Healing, Sound, Movement, Breath, Touch, Directed Thought and Shamanistic healing techniques which are used to enable the healers to experience group ritual as the ability to shift energy and release old patterns and feelings as well as to shift dimensional consciousness.

Healers learn to access personal power within the framework of group interactive power. (This seminar is optional for the Divine Master Healer Certificate.) The 12th Seminar is held at a power spot or vortex, where the healers can practice their ritual healing, skills of oneness in action and affinity with the power of the Earth.

Every year the Healers who attend choose a power site such as Machu Picchu, Sedona, the Egyptian pyramids, Glastonbury, or the Henges in England and Ireland, a power site in Japan or a power site local to their particular geographic area of studies to express their universal healing techniques in action.

Upon Graduation of all five seminars the student is awarded the Advanced Master Healer Certificate.

For more information about our further Quantum Master Healer Program please call or E-MAIL Clearsight. You can contact us at or call us at 310-395-1170.

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