Healings focus on whatever you feel you need to have healed. Your healer will assess your energy field and clear whatever seems blocked or stopping your full potential on every level. Healings can relax you, clear the causes of physical disease, and tune you up so that you can function at a higher level.
Our Clearsight healings are a fascinating and wondrous experience. Healing is a method for cleansing and clearing your energy, diagnosing the cause of physical problems, releasing the energy stored in your emotional issues, and allowing your mind to release so you can connect with your spiritual essence.
Your healer will clear and rebalance the energy in your aura, your energy centers (chakras), and the energy channels in your body and energy field. Healings shift your energy so that you can reconnect with your full potential.
Readings give you information. Healings shift your energy so that you can create your own reality, hopefully free of pain, guilt, fear and anger.
Healings can be given in person, by ZOOM, or by phone.
For further information or to book a healing you can contact us by E-MAIL clearsightevolving@gmail.com or Call 310-395-1170

Levanah Shell Bdolak
Levanah has been giving healings since 1978. She is a teacher for the Clearsight Energetic Medicine Healing Program and is the developer of the advanced healing programs presented AT Clearsight.
Contact: 310-395-1170 or E-MAIL: levanah@liveinawe.com

Judy Nelson
Rev. Judy Nelson is a gifted healer and clairvoyant. Her joy is helping people find their true selves so they can walk their most fulfilling path in life. Judy began her metaphysical studies in 1984 and completed them at Clearsight. Judy became an ordained metaphysical minister in 1994 and a master practitioner of clairvoyance and energy healing. Judy teaches many of our Clearsight Natural Healing Seminars.
Contact: (818) 514-5956, www.judyenelson.com, judy@nelsonjudy.com