
Levanah Shell Bdolak
Levanah travels nationally and internationally demonstrating how to shift your consciousness in an easy practical manner. She has taught over 35 of her 13 month long Clairvoyant Programs in Japan for twenty-four years and has also led healing seminars in the United States, France, England, Thailand and Hong Kong, and is the author of many self-help books in the U.S. and in Japan.
Levanah has shared clairvoyant and healing skills with doctors, nurses, physicists, therapists, masseuses, natural practitioners, and the power of energizing yourself through creative love with artists, executives, chefs, entertainers and housewives.
Levanah has taught thousands of students how to read the aura to show people how to release restrictions and energy that prevents you from attaining your highest goals and attaining a higher level of bliss and joy in your daily life. She has a track record of doing Clairvoyant and Psychic Readings since 1978 and sharing her wisdom and skills to enable people to find their best in their lives. Her Readings direct you to the immediate cause of a situation and how to release or change to create the best you. Experience the wonderment of connecting with your true self and enabling yourself to choose life as you wish to have it.
Currently Levanah practices personal spiritual counseling using Clairvoyant Readings, Core Release and Healing modalities She teaches programs in depth using Energy Healing to heal yourself and others, 13 month Transformational Clairvoyant Programs, and numerous short online workshops featuring the power of stones, GRIDS, and Manifesting Abundance in your life.
Currently Levanah resides in Los Angeles and teaches worldwide through the global web.