EVOLVING Meditation
The one meditation, that enables you to be successful, healthy, and feel good all day long. You’ll discover how to avoid painful emotions by released without having to re-experience them. I’ll be revealing some really clever ways to release anxiety and stress while it happens. Our Clearsight School has proven how empowering it is when you have a skill to use at the very moment something is affecting you EVOLVING skills can work for anything. So you become in charge of your life.
5 Super Skills, a Meditation of Limitless Possibilities releases your blocked emotions and opens the doorways to success.
Many meditations seek to calm the mind. EVOLVING seeks to bring your spirit, the part of you that is your energy into your body
Without a body you do not experience pleasure.
Eating an ice cream, or a slice of pizza, having sex or experiencing love are all experiences felt through your body.
Once you have consciously brought your energy into your body you will discover that you have more body energy, more permission to enjoy your life and a higher level of awareness.
With Evolving you can release pain, trauma, emotional feelings, old patterns and stuck reactions during the day.
This system gives you the skill that can totally and truly change your life.
The ability to let go and to release the feelings, the hurt and pain, that prevents you from having better health, or from being more successful or from just being able to live a happy life.
I have worked with people in extreme situations who were afraid to leave their apartment or who couldn’t step onto the subway or get into an elevator and I have shown them how to release these fears.I have also worked with people who just felt they couldn’t live up to their full potential in life.
You will receive access to two special audio programs. The first tape instructs you in the 3 skills of Manifesting, Focusing your energy and how to stream light energy through your body’s energy system to clear and clean your energy field.
These first 2 skills have to do with being able to bring success to you.
The third skill is our Evolving Streaming Light Meditation.
It cleans your aura, your chakras, your energy channels, and we believe it cleans every cell in your body.
The second tape called Change shows you how to release pain, traumatic incidents, emotions, and conflicts within you and blocks that stop your success and highest potential.
This is a special skill that can literally change your whole life since you can use it all day long……
……and when you do, you start to experience happiness or what some people call bliss.
And yes, sometimes the Change skill can shift you in a few minutes.
It is an awesome skill that empowers you with a freedom to create your own life.
I’ve seen people experience a shift in themselves after using our Change skill the very first day when they discover how quickly they can release their emotions or their hurts or fears.
And this is amazing since they are seeing how easy it is to let go of the feelings that have blocked them from success.
And once you fully release the charge in a negative feeling or a fear… it is gone…….and I mean gone FOREVER.
As you have probably noticed by now Evolving is an innovative cutting edge skill that allows you to reach your highest potential.
Now you may believe that a system that can do these wonders for you should cost a pretty penny
And in all honesty it really should since we have seen it help thousands of folks just like you to be successful, happy healthy and very clear.
Extras Bonuses
Yet you are not just receiving the Evolving Meditation Program. We are adding in, free of charge, 7 value added bonuses to give you some extra skills that will help you to advance your beginning Evolving skills.
How to Create Harmony in your life
Normally valued at $49
Creating harmony teaches you how to develop high energy and how to recognize the patterns and programs that trip you up so you experience joy, bliss and the sense of harmony that allows you to magnetize success to you. The Harmony Audio Program is valued at $49 but I am offering this to you for Free.
Audio Program
Meditation has been scientifically shown to reduce stress and how to help heal your body. As you learn to communicate with your body you can experience a stronger immune system and often a better sex life too. Healing Your Body is usually sold for $49 but today I am giving this bonus to you for free.
4 Part Series valued at $89
This audio program, a special premium bonus, explains what stress is, how it affects your body and gives you skills for releasing stress in your daily lifestyle.
Audio Program
Abundance is the art of creating wellness, serenity, financial security, a wholeness that connects you to the universal energy source. Connecting to your inner love, your self esteem and your ownership of your own self ability pulls abundance towards you. Creating Your Abundance is valued at $49 however now I will include this bonus for Free so it can help to enhance your evolving skills.
Audio Lecture Valued at $19.95
Your fifth bonus is our premium audio program, an advanced Clear sight Lecture called Love & Fear, Transforming Your Life into a happy way of being that we usually give to the graduates of our 13 month program. This Lecture enables you to see how to release your judgmental and negative thought patterns so your energy is crystal clear to create each day in the image of your desires.

Free Visit
Your Seventh bonus is a visit to The Healing Garden. This is a wonderful journey to visit and receive a special healing in the garden of transformation.

Valued at $49
Also included as a special added Free bonus #6 is A Review of How to Meditate valued at $49. This audio program covers the special tips of how to clear your mind to find serenity, peace and the path to enlightenment.
It is very important to me that you get the true value of Evolving so I am also including an audio of bonus of Questions and Answers so that you have access to commonly asked questions and my detailed answers so you can benefit from all facets of this leading edge program.Now you can see why the Evolving Meditation Program is valued at $99…. even without the bonuses it’s a great deal. I feel you deserve to know why I am going to offer a massive discount for you today Our Clear sight School that has developed Evolving wants to see you have these special life changing skills.
We, at Clear sight, our teachers, our Board of Directors and myself wish for you to have these innovative leading edge skills.
We feel that each person becomes a better person when they use these skills
We believe that each person who uses these skills helps to create a better world.
We know that when you raise your energy that it also raises the energy of everyone around you and so we start to create a better world for us all.
We’ve found that our older students came to us and told us they had better relationships with their children, our younger students had better relationships with their parents. their energy spiked, their health improved and many of our students excelled in their careers.
I am empowered as the Director of our school, Clear sight to lower the price to be very affordable for you. I would take advantage of this low price offer since I convinced our Board of Directors to offer this for only $59. They can at any time raise the price back up to $99, which what they feel it is truly worth; however, all of us want you to be able to have these skills that can change your life.You can get immediate access to our member page. Only you can decide to make the right choice which EMPOWERS YOU! At this moment, you have the power to grab your new abilities…
As a special extra bonus, if you order now you will also receive:
The right to call or E-MAIL or SKYPE me if you need someone to explain these skills to you. I will help you to make sure you can understand and use these basic skills to change your life. You will receive my phone number, my E-MAIL address and SKYPE connection so that you can always contact me to ask any questions you might have about how to use these skills and our Clearsight EVOLVING Meditation AND SUPER SKILLS.
Yes, give me access to the Evolving Program and it’s 7 bonuses plus the extra added bonus to have a teacher at my fingertips by just E-MAILING, Calling or using SKYPE to reach Levanah in person if you need help with these skills.
Look below this video now and click on the yellow button to claim your Evolving Program now
Listen: Don’t Decide Right now…Take advantage of my Unconditional Triple Guarantee:
Just try EVOLVING for yourself for a full 60 days. If you do not experience a shift in your energy or your feelings in those 60 short days or you do not get how to practice quieting your mind after checking in with me when you can CALL or SKYPE or E-MAIL me for help OR even if you do not like my New York accent I will gladly refund every penny, No Questions, No Hassles.
We at Clearsight have been teaching these skills since 1979. We taught these skills in America, at our school in Tokyo and internationally throughout the world. These skills really work.
Live successfully without fear, without uncontrollable emotions, in good health.
EVOLVING, The Newest American Meditation—–is composed of 5 skills that immediately enable you to quiet the mind. Four of these skills can be used all throughout your day to release stuck emotions, relationship patterns, pain, fear and blocks to your success in work or business.
EVOLVING is very compatible with yoga, exercise lifestyle workouts and dance because it is what we call an “in the body meditation.” Instead of leaving your body to experience bliss I will show you how to bring your spirit into your body to create a blissful state in your daily life. This automatically makes you more successful at whatever you do in your life.
EVOLVING is a streaming light meditation system that raises the vibration of every cell, every energy center (chakra) and all of the energy channels in your body. So Evolving improves your health and wellness, shows you how to release pain, trauma and hidden fears and so increases your success ratio.
EVOLVING enables you to live up to your highest potential. You can meditate in the morning, or evening or just at lunch and you can also use many of these skills all throughout your day to clear yourself of whatever blocks your development…in real time when it is actually happening.