- A Time of Change: Free Student Readings For You at Clearsight on Zoom
Get information that aids you in touching your true empowerment. Have you got: Questions about your relationship:, patterns that block you; finding the best way to create financial security for yourself; ending confusion; or difficulty making important decisions; learning about your spiritual essence and how to empower yourself?
A Time of Change: Free Student Readings For You at Clearsight on Zoom
We at Clearsight wish you a wonderful season of change, enjoying the wonderment of the seasonal change that shift your inner insight into always remaking your path and your spiritual essence. As you redefine yourself and you feel that you need more information; we do have Free Student Readings available on Sundays at 10:00 AM PST and Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM PDT. To schedule a Free Student Reading send an E-MAIL to clearsightevolving@gmail.com with the Re: Interest Free Student Readings and we will send you information to sign up and a list of available times. These Free Readings go fast….. to get info send us an E-MAIL to clearsightevolving@gmail.com
A Free Student Reading gives you a wide range of information……about your creativity, the essence of your spirit, your Energy Centers (Chakras), your Rose Reading (connection with your Higher Self and how you as spirit in body are making your life work) and your Aura (7 layers show what is happening with you and why,) After a short break you get 3 questions. Usually this gives you a great deal of quality. Information to work with. Our Free Readings given by students in our Clairvoyant Program give you quality information to aid you in your life quest.