Our next Clair Online Program is starting November 13, 2024. Sign up now! You won’t want to miss this incredible transformative experience……….

What is it all about? Is it just success? A good bank account, a nice home and no headaches from bills? Or is there more to life ….and more to living the good life? What is it you truly always wanted? Did you get it? Have you found what we call meaningfulness in your life? […]

Stones & Crystals Can Bring You Calmness & More

Speaking with a stone is kind of like getting to know another person. When you first meet someone you get to know their outside identity and then if you spend more time with that person eventually you get to know them on many more levels, like the unfolding of the petals of a rose. People […]

Playing And Speaking With Stones

Have you ever spoken with a stone? I’m a pretty down to earth person but recently I have been making stone and crystal grids and this has led me to “speak to the stones.” For me, stones are like little people. They each have a specific vibration, and so they have a kind of personality. […]

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